So I have fears about marriage. Shocking I know...
I worry about things like, what if I get married and it goes totally wrong and my husband becomes a drug adict?
What if after being married for a while we just get bored of each other?
What if the guy I marry is a terrible leader and I struggle with being submissive?
Dear Lord...What if one of us commits adultery? Yikes
Some of these are irrational, maybe. Some of them I think are legitimate. These aren't all of them. I'm sure I could come up with a very extensive list.
But the Lord in his infinite wisdom decided to give me a Practice Husband to dispel some of my fears. And to teach me how to fight well and seek the Lord to heal my wicked heart, instead of trying to fix the other person. Easier said than done!
So my Practice Husband just happens to be my sister, Suzanne. We live in a little house that we love. It's just the two of us. We couldn't be more different, and growing up we never got along. We used to wake up fist fighting when we shared a bed at a young age. I am the artist, disorganized, messy, procrastinator, terrible at cleaning and budgeting, and I am very emotional. Suzanne is the type A, organized, get things done, planner, and is very practical, not very emotional. I know you may be having a tough time imagining the issues that might arise between the two of us, but I promise you we have had our differences.
We moved in together and had our nice honeymoon period. We got along, talked all the time, and never fought. That was nice, but quickly ended. We soon discovered our differences in personality, cleanliness, and the different things that really bother us. We fought for a good 3 months straight at least. We are both in Recovery at the Village after all of it. We very glaringly saw our flaws and our need to draw close to the Lord to be healed. We both had to learn to deal with each other with grace, love, patience, and servant's hearts. It's been a hard road, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We still have our differences, arguments, and frustrations, but we know how to deal with each other well. We now have a blast living together. I'm always excited to get home to hang out with Suzanne. We have more and more fun every day. It's so beautiful to see the relationship that God has blessed us with. It has given me a deep confidence in the Lord to bless me with an awesome Husband and a great relationship. One where we enjoy each other more all the time.
So moral of the story... have a Practice Husband! They are fantastic.