So life if busy, to say the least. I am working two jobs, leading a home group, serving at the church, working on two paintings, dating, trying to have some semblance of a social life with my girl friends, doing recovery at the Village, and keeping my house clean. Busy yes, but manageable. Now comes the problem. I start school in two weeks, and it's going to be a tough semester. How do I do all that I am doing and add school in there? Well, I have no idea. I'll be done with recovery at the end of
September and I'll have to stop painting for a few months. I may have one job, or two. I'm still working on that one. Either way, I still have to work a lot.
The Lord has put a desire in my heart to be a working Artist. I have had this desire for a while now, with really no idea of how to achieve that. Over this past year, the Lord has thrown so many opportunities and wisdom and advice my way. It has been so encouraging. So now I know what to do, but where do I find the time to pursue those things? If I do all of it now, like I need to, I may kill myself. But if I wait until after I graduate, I may be homeless. Which could kind of be cool. I would help my starving artist look and I would have truly suffered, and thus could make magnificent, meaningful art finally....Or something like that. I want to take every opportunity that the Lord has provided for me. I want to chase the desires of my heart. But at the sacrifice of what?
Well kids, here is the moral of this story is that I have to choose between good things and necessary things. There will be much prayer in this decision as well as a lot of seeking the Lord's face to find out his will in this. I admit that I have no idea how to deal with this. I need to Lord. I need him to show me his will, to guide me here. I am praying that he will make those things clear to me. I would appreciate your prayers in this. Thanks for listening.
Oh and I will be posting more picture of the paintings I am working on as soon as I have a free minute at home when I'm not sleeping.