Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sigur Ros in Denver

This past weekend Phillip and I boarded a plane for Denver. What an amazing difference from Texas in September. Everything was so beautiful from the weather to the scenery.  On Saturday we went hiking in Pike National Forest. As you can see in some of the pictures, the aspens were starting to turn colors. My goodness I miss it already. We went and stayed with some awesome friends of ours, Evan and Lauren Perkins. We went out to downtown Denver on Friday night and had some really good Russian food. Yeah, Russian. I know that's random. We ate at this restaurant called the Red Square. It was really yummy. On Saturday afternoon we went for our hike, then took showers and went to the Sigur Ros concert at the red rocks amphitheatre. It was truly incredible. The weather was cold, but not too cold. The venue was amazing. If you have never been, then you should go. It was definatly worth it. During the concert there were the red rock to the side and back of us, starry sky above, and the denver skyline in the distance past the stage. If you haven't every listened to Sigur Ros, I would highly encourage you to check them out. They are from iceland, sing in a made up language, and are very talented musically. Then sunday morning, very early (4:30 am) we got up and headed out to the airport to catch our flight at 6am. We were running late and barely made our flight. Needless to say, I was a little cranky that early. But we were back in dallas by 8:30am and spend the rest of the day resting. Sadly, I never could get back to sleep on sunday and am still catching up on my sleep. But in all it was a wonderful trip. It was some rest that I desperately needed. It was so fun to see Evan and Lauren, and to get to marvel at God's magnificent creation.  
Phillip and I in Pike National Forest
The Storm we out ran on the way down the mountain
Posing with some Aspens
Phillip and I at the Concert
Phillip, Evan, and Lauren in the bottom of the picture

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kate Has A Face

Well, she sort of has a face. She is still missing her lips and eyebrows which make her look a little freaky. But I think it is coming along well. I haven't had that much time to work on the painting now that I have started school, and I have all kinds of other art projects that have to be done. But the times that I have been able to paint have been extremely fruitful. I am hoping to get some more done this week, but who know if that will really happen. I don't have much time that is open for the rest of the week. I hope you enjoy seeing the progress on this update! Let me know what you think. I love getting feedback.

Current State of the Painting.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Desires of the Heart

Lately I have had no desire for the Word, or much desire to pray. I just seem to have a frustrated spirit a lot lately. I have no idea why. I find myself complaining all of the time, if only to myself.  I don't even know why. Life is so good right now, the Lord has been gracious with me, and blesses me daily. But I just can't seem to enjoy those things. I am constantly picking out the little things that are frustrating or bad throughout my day. Ever Been There? 

So here is my prayer, for myself.

"Finally, Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable --if anything is excellent or praiseworthy --think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me --put it into practice. And the God or peace will be with you."    Phil 4:8-9

So my war today is over my thoughts. I have to choose to dwell on the good things in life, on the blessings, and most importantly on the Gospel. Because Christ died for me, he saved me, and promises that all is for His glory and my good, what can I really complain about?

In an effort to get my mind going in the right direction, I'm going to list some good things that have gone down today.

1.Class went great. I really like screen printing so far. It's very fast, easy, and painterly. I love all those things in art. 
2. My dog Stella is doing much better today after getting spayed a couple of days ago. She just follows me around and leans on me. Such a Love!
3. I made a delicious cake, that turned out better than the last time I made it, even though I took it out and let it cool before it was done, then had to put it back in the oven. How that worked, I have no idea. It really is amazing that anything I bake turns out well. I mess something up EVERY time, no joke, just as Suzanne.
4. I just got my hair cut for the first time in I don't even know how long, and I love it. It's so much better. It is shorter and actually has shape! Yippee!!!
5. I'm hanging out at Texas Roast drinking free coffee (because I work here). Mmmm
6. I get to see Phillip today for a while. Awesome.
7. I get hang out with at least one good friend that I haven't seen in a long time today in Dallas.
8. I am having a nice relaxing day, which I haven't had in a long time.

See, 8 things that are great in my life today. I feel better already. Maybe this will be my new strategy, write things down when I'm frustrated for no reason. I like it. Now I can see clearly, in writing, God's blessings in my life today. How could I possibly not praise him for all of that?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lots to Say

Okay.... So much to say. I may have to write a couple of blogs today to get it all in. For some reason my computer won't let me rearrange these pictures, so just browse through them to get the progression. I am really excited with how fast the painting is coming together. I did all of this in about 6 hrs, which is really fast for me. I am really happy with how the figures are popping off the canvas. I am really liking the stamping better now that it seems to make the figures stand out more. Hopefully I will be able to have this one done by next week. I can dream right....

My sweet Stella is getting spayed today. Poor kid. I really hope that this takes some of her aggression out of her. That may be a pipe dream. She has so much energy and is just wild sometimes. I am trying to train her, but I feel so clueless. I haven't ever trained a dog before, and apparently I'm not so good at it. 
This is a pic of when I brought Stella home back in March. My how she has grown. 
I decided to put a reminder picture of what I am working from on my painting.

I started School once again this past week. This is my last year and honestly I can't wait for it to be over. This year is going to be so hard. I don't have that many classes, but the ones I do have are very demanding in every sense of the word. I have a hard time with enjoying the present. I'm always looking to the future and longing for what's next. I want to be working as an artist full time. I don't want to be making art for a grade and I don't want to be working in a coffee shop. But alas, I am where I am right now. I am trying to learn to be where I am, to love the Lord, to praise him, to grow in him in the now. It's hard to remember sometimes that God has me right where I am because he has my good and his glory in mind. It seems like I learn this lesson all the time...anyone else? If you know me at all, you know how scatterbrained I am. It's bad. Thank the Lord for my planner, I would be lost without it. I have written down all of my projects and papers due throughout the next 4 months and it is daunting. I have so much to get done. Life is so busy and I know that something in my life is going to suffer....currently it's my social life....I hardly ever see anyone. I hate that. I feel stretched at every end. I have so much to do and just enough time to get it done. And you say...isn't that a good thing? Well, sort of, but it doesn't leave any time to rest. Well, I think that's enough complaining for one day. I really do think that this semester is going to be good. I'm very excited about the artwork I'm making over the next few months. I am also excited about what the Lord will teach me throughout this year. 

P.S. I just did spell check on my blog....no misspells....it's a miracle!