Wednesday, March 26, 2008


So I thought that I should explain the name of my blog. One of my family's favorite games to play when we get together is Balderdash. Which if you have never played it, it's amazing. The aim of the game is to make up definitions to very obscure words in the English language and get people to vote for your definition rather than the real one. So this past Christmas we were all together playing Balderdash and we came upon the word Girning and thought it was just absolutely hilarious! Girning- To Contort One's Face In A Comical Manner. This perfectly explains the painting that I am so passionate about making. So I was really excited to find this word. So let's make this more fun....try to work the word girning into your vocabulary this week!

1 comment:

Matt Adams said...

Hey your paintings look awesome. You've got some serious talent girl.