The more my artistic talent has grown, the more I am torn in my design aesthetic. In my paintings, I am meticulous, detailed, and try to be as close to perfect as possible. I love to have a lot to look at, much to draw you into the piece. But the work that I am most fascinated by and drawn to is very simple.
Design has always been a big part of my life. I could spend hours in Ikea just soaking in all the brilliant design compositions. Anywhere with good design really gets me, like anthropology. My goodness, I'm happy just thinking about it. It's like my crack...the drug...not anatomically (Chuck and Suzanne).
In my home, I want simple, elegant, good design. Problem: too much stuff. I either need a much bigger house to achieve the simple look, or I need to get rid of a lot of what I own. Problem #2: I am a poor college student with ghetto stuff and no money to update. Not that I have any desire to pay a lot of money for furniture or anything. I would be very happy with ikea bookshelves and curtains, but alas, I can't even afford that. So I have to work with what I've got. I have the organizing, redecorating/rearranging bug. Suzanne is going to love that...Hehehe.
So here is my updated picture of my painting. I know...they have hair. Oh is amazing. I am so close to being done. I just have a lot of little things to do, which means a lot of paint mixing. I am ready to have this done with. I have so many ideas just bursting to get out onto the canvas, but won't allow myself to start another one until this one is done. I would have about 12 going right now if I could.
Oh I want this room. I found this pic on design sponge today and salivated over it for a while. I especially love the dandelion picture in the back ground. The space is simple, clean, and designed brilliantly.
Jill Moser. This is an oil painting. One color, simple, so beautiful.
So the moral of the story kids.... Okay, so there really isn't a moral. But I will be doing some throwing out of stuff, rearranging of rooms, and attempting to simplify my paintings. Stay tuned for results. I think I will take some before and after pics of the rooms that I redo....ohh that would be so fun!!! Okay, i'm doing it. Suzi...buckle your seat belt and get ready for some change.
AH! I love that room too!!!
1. Win the lottery
2. Buy a mansion
3. Raid Ikea
This is your plan of I would suggest spending all your hard earned cash on the lottery! It's a great way to spend your money lol.
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